Three Donkeys
When new life comes into the world, it’s cause for celebration! But when that birth is difficult … when the newborn is at risk … when a mother is lost … that beautiful day becomes a heartbreaking tragedy. Not only in the human realm. In the animal world as well.
We see it here, in our care for working animals. One sad day, a mother horse in terrible medical condition was rushed into our hospital, struggling in delivery of a baby mule. Our supporters allowed us to open our doors, and empowered our team to perform an emergency C-section — and save that foal’s life, even as her mother slipped away.
At almost the same time, two mothers were sold in the local mule market, leaving their baby donkeys in peril … less than a month old, unable to feed properly … doomed. But they were brought to us — and once again, the love of our donors enabled helpless animals to survive.
This is the hugely important, hugely valuable work our friends make possible, day after day, as they support the American Fondouk.
Our supporters provided the kind of care that these three little ones — our veterinary student-interns named the orphan Winnie, and the other two Danny and Danya — needed to survive. The schedule was daunting…
They had to receive replacement milk intensively. They had to be taught to feed. They had to be watched almost constantly. Our students spent long days and nights looking after “their babies” — monitoring for crucial weight-gain milestones, providing regular playtime in the paddock each day, and making sure their young charges received repeated medical checkups. Your generosity made it all possible.
Meanwhile, our senior team was hard at work finding a long-term home for these increasingly healthy young animals — because a hospital is no place to live forever.
And the happy ending happened: The three babies were placed in a mule sanctuary. By mule standards, they’re going to live a life of luxury!
But their story is unusual in that way … because 99% of the animals we save, through generous giving, go back to work. They must — because these are animals who literally keep human families alive, by providing the kind of labor that only an animal can provide. In such a family, a working animal is much more than a machine … that animal is beloved.
Supporters keep them together — the animals with the families. Supporters enhance their quality of life — the animals’ lives and the families’. Financial support isn’t just a “donation.” Financial support is transformative. It is changing lives … in indispensable ways!