
You know the feeling … someone you care about is sick, and what you hope for, more than anything else, is a “quick fix.”

And when it’s someone you not only care about, but depend on, you feel even more urgency.

That’s how it was for a friend I’ll call Kamal. Like so many people here in North Africa, Kamal depends on his mule for his livelihood.

But his mule fell ill … seriously ill … and from the moment he arrived with her here at the American Fondouk, it was clear that this would take time. The mule’s face was badly deformed, and she had eye problems. Our veterinary team quickly diagnosed her condition — she was suffering from a parasitic disease that had already caused severe damage to her face and eye. She was in pain — and the infestation was advancing.

Because of friends … giving so generously and faithfully … we were able to give Kamal’s mule the intensive, long-term care that she urgently needed. Kamal’s mule is alive and well today thanks to our friends.

Kamal’s mule was a patient in our hospital for six long months. It was complicated …

She had to go through a complicated journey of treatment, protected by a face mask and a constantly changing array of bandages.

Each week, our team administered a unique drug targeted to the specific stage of her treatment.

Over the course of six months, this animal’s medical situation was so complex that she actually required five separate surgeries.

But there was never any question that we would stand by her and provide constant care — because our supporters were here with us in spirit. Through their generous giving, they were standing by her just like we were.

Their compassion ultimately triumphed. The day finally came when Kamal took his mule home. She

was healthy —she was safe. She is back at work, helping to provide for her family.

She is their success story. On behalf of Kamal and his loved ones, and on behalf of his beloved mule, I thank you.

And I hope you will give a gift today, to set in motion yet another success story, for another working animal, another family in need. Your gift today will provide long-term care for animals that need it, as well as emergency care for animals in crisis. Your generosity will enable us to open our doors to every animal in need — never being forced to choose between one animal receiving care and another being sent away.

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